Lose Weight After 40Training Only TWICE Per Week With Our
T40FIT Rapid Weight Loss System
Frequently Asked Questions
Most of my clients train 2x/week for 45 minutes and have excellent results.
Podaima Performance Unit 2-920 Lorimer Blvd, Winnipeg. It’s a one of a kind nice, quiet, un-intimidating gym that I GUARANTEE you will love!
No, that is included in your membership.
This differs for everyone and is highly dependent on how well you diet and how hard you workout. I do know that my programs can be highly effective for rapid weight loss when done properly.
Absolutely! Most of our clients have never stepped foot in a gym before.
I do too. No you do not have to do it to lose weight.
No, not if you don’t want it to.
Yes you do if you want to lose weight.
You were doing it all wrong. There is way too much bad information out there.
Most people that come see me have this concern. Trust me, you will see just like they did that you have absolutely nothing to worry about! Our professionalism, knowledge, and experience will put you at ease immediately.
No. 99% of home gyms will not give you the results you are looking for. Also the drop out rate for people who work out at home is extremely high. However if you would like to do my programs online you can do an application for that. My gym is super comfortable and non threatening. People love it for that reason. I promise you'll love working out at our gym!
No you will not be hungry. I promise!
You will handle this just fine. It almost killed you because you never progressed properly. In my 20 years of training I have yet to have a client to quit because it was too hard. This is actually one of my skills that I am most proud about.
Yes! I want them just as bad as you. You are my walking advertisements!
No. This is another myth. The studies out there actually suggest the opposite. This means the faster you take the weight off the more likely you are to succeed and keep it off!
Look at my education, experience and results. You can’t argue with those! Some very smart and successful people have given me great testimonials and reviews. I have been doing this for 20 years and have learned hands on from the top trainers in the world. These guys charge over $600/hour for their consulting services.
Me and my business have built up a reputation that I have worked very hard for, and I am very proud of it! I will guard with my life! This means I will do everything in my power and go the extra mile to make sure you get the results that you are looking for! We succeed or fail together!
The minimum is 12 weeks which will cost $1791+GST. Can be done with paying $597/4weeks+GST. This comes out to $74.63+GST a session which is a steal for what you are getting.
No, I used to train one on one for many years. Once you have done something for tens of thousands of hours it becomes like second nature. We can easily handle multiple people at a time. I actually feel that it is poor use our time and skills training one on one. We now only train 2 people at a time/trainer. Don’t worry you will all be doing different exercises in different parts of the gym, but my attention/time will be divided. Don’t worry this does not affect quality of training or results. I have been doing this for a very long time and this system works well. My clients actually prefer this as it is more cost effective and more efficient. This is why I can charge you $74.63/session instead of $125/session.
I do this to make sure you get the results you desire. I have found that anything less is a waste of time and money. 12 weeks works well for teaching people how to properly workout, diet, and for good weight loss habits to form. I have to feel confident that when you leave me you are thrilled at how much you have achieved and learned. On a side note I actually lose money by having this minimum as I turn people away all the time that want go for shorter periods of time. Sure I could just take the cash knowing that you would more than likely fail but I just wouldn’t feel right about that!
You can try to book in another spot that week if anything is available or do your custom workout wherever you are. This is not a paid per training session deal. This is a 4 week membership that holds your spot, includes your training, support, education, and gym fee. You can cancel anytime you want but once payment is made you must use up the 4 week block.
The number one reason people tell me is that it keeps them accountable. They say that they know it’s an appointment they will make it to and it would be too easy to blow off or skip appointments if they were on their own. I also often hear that people don’t want to worry or think about anything when they get to the gym. They just want to be told what to do. I have no problems with that!
Actually there is. We don’t work with athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness competitors. There are other people in the city that are more knowledgeable, have more experience, and have better equipment for working with these people. My specialty is helping people busy professionals over 40 lose weight and get healthier. I understand that these people have busy lives so my programs are developed to get maximum results with the least amount of time and effort. As they say, “he who is an expert at everything is an expert at nothing!”
Credit Card.
Monday-Friday 6am-12pm, 3pm-9pm.
Saturday 8am-12pm.
We are closed Mon-Fri 12pm-3pm and Sundays.
Hit the "apply now" button fill out the application and book a time for a call!