If you are a busy professional over 40 and want to get fit and healthy then this might be the most important thing you ever read...
Introducing My Proprietary T40FIT Platinum 16 Week Online Program...The Ultimate Online Weight Loss And Fitness Experience For People Over 40!
IF you are a busy professional over 40...and IF you follow my program as directed for 16 Weeks...and IF you don't feel that this is the most SIMPLE, EASY, AND EFFECTIVE online fitness and weight loss experience you've EVER had then I will refund you every single penny! How is that for putting my money where my mouth is?

***Results may vary***
"So here I am! 100 pounds down and I feel amazing! I put the work in and got the result! I could not have done any of it without Blaine! If you are thinking about losing weight, getting fit, and getting healthy then definitely check Blaine
out...you won't be disappointed!"
***Results may vary***
"Mark and Charlotte absolutely CRUSHED their goals and lost a combined weight of 71 pounds in 13 weeks! Mark lost 52 and Charlotte lost 19 both while gaining a considerable amount of strength and muscle mass! They both look fabulous! "
***Results may vary***
"I asked my older brother Blaine for help because I needed some serious help with my weight! I have never worked out or dieted before this and I lost 60 pounds in 5 months and I feel great!"
***Results may vary***
"Working with Blaine has been the best investment I've made into myself. What started as a substantial weight loss goal, this journey has produced strength, lean muscle, great skin and my weight loss goal!! At 46, I'm in the best shape of my life."
***Results may vary***
"Unbelievable! I lost close to 80 pounds in 4 months! Blaine's program works scary fast!"
- Chad
***Results may vary***
"Blaine's program rocks! I lost 30 pounds and at 50 I am in the best shape of my life and I feel fabulous!"
- Carilyn
***Results may vary***
"I lost 140 lbs. in 8 Months! I can say without exaggeration that working with Blaine has drastically changed my life for the better!"
- Trevor
***Results may vary***
"I used to be bothered and self conscious about my appearance and even felt old. Now after losing 45 lbs. I feel great about myself!"
- Verna
***Results may vary***
"I lost 40 pounds in 4 months and got into the best shape of my life! Put in the work and follow Blaine's program and you'll be blown away by the results!"
- Chris
***Results may vary***
"Blaine's program flat out works! I have lost 45 lbs. in 4 months and look and feel amazing!"
- Nancy
***Results May Vary From Person To Person***
Some Pics Of My Gym..It's My Pride And Joy...It's My Everything...

"Losing Weight After 40 Can Be More Difficult…"
Your metabolism has slowed down, you've lost muscle mass, your hormones are changing, and you're probably out of shape since you haven't exercised since your college days.
You desperately want to lose weight, get healthier and fit…however, if you’re like most people I work with, you’re worried about failing again.
You probably don't even know where to start.
On top of that you want all of these benefits without giving up your life...I mean everyone's busy!
Sounds like “Mission Impossible,” doesn't it?
It is not!
I have great news for you…
Yes, you can lose weight and get in shape training only two times per week...
What is more, most of my clients get into the best shape of their lives by doing exactly this.
Even if they have the slowest metabolism ever, have never worked out in their life, or have tried everything under the sun.
However, I must be honest with you: Ultimately, YOUR results come down to YOU and what YOU put into it. My role is to help, guide and encourage you.
20 Years In The Making…
Over 20 years ago, I studied under the top strength and conditioning coach in the world. This was the man who professional movie stars and athletes would rely on to get them into tip top shape in record time. They’d pay him top dollar too.
He taught a revolutionary weight loss system that was melting fat off his athletes at record speeds...all with weight training only...no cardio.
This approach stunned the training community since it was always believed that doing hours of boring cardio was the best way to lose weight.
Who am I talking about?
I am speaking of legendary strength and conditioning coach Charles Poliquin. He has trained more Olympic medal winners than any other strength coach in history.
He was the best of the best... Period. (Sadly he has passed away a few years ago.)
I Came Back And Started To Use His System With My Clients...
I started using the system with my clients. I quickly noticed I had to make some major changes to the program because most people couldn't follow it. It was too difficult… too complicated… and took too much time!
The program started to naturally evolve and took on a life of it’s own…
To my surprise, these changes which made the program more realistic and easier to follow didn’t affect the weight-loss results. I was shocked, to say the least.
I also started adding some program design elements of my own that would further increase the success rate with my clients.
I was able to use different versions of the program with hundreds of clients to finally tweak to perfection my rapid weight-loss system for people over 40 that I call my T40FIT Rapid Fat Loss System. It is FIRE.
Proof Is In The Pudding

When Dealing With Busy Professionals Over 40 I Have Learned The Following Critical Points:
- Most people are very busy so they cannot and do not want to spend a lot of time in the gym. Between their family obligations, career and other daily tasks they do not have a lot of extra time.
- The program must be simple, straight forward, easy to learn and easy to implement. You don’t want some complicated program that takes too long to learn or takes too much time or mental energy to follow. My job is to eliminate all of those concerns and provide clarity, focus, direction, and encouragement.
- Most of my clients have not worked out in a long time. Consequently, I must start them off slowly to build their confidence, reduce the risk of injury, and to avoid any embarrassment.
- Most people have injuries, conditions, or different capabilities which means they need customized, individual programs for optimal results! No large group training sessions with a “cookie cutter” approach!
- Programs need to have slow, controlled movements. No jumping, running around, ballistic, or explosive movements. Chances of injury are much higher as you get older…and much harder to recover from...also, there is absolutely no benefit to doing these dangerous exercises.
- Some common exercises had to be removed as the risk of injury was too high for the reward. The juice just wasn't worth the squeeze! These exercises are great for young athletes who need to increase performance, but for losing weight and looking great they are not needed at all. Worse, in most instances do more harm than good!
- Flexibility with diet is needed....no meal timing, real foods, some alcohol allowed, and of course no starving. Let's face it – any “diet” that is rigid and difficult to follow for many months is destined to fail!
- You need free weight exercises to build muscle mass while minimizing injuries. Free weight exercises give the highest return on investment for your time, or "biggest bang for your buck."
Whatever people may tell you, free weights are the most effective form of exercise, which is why professional athletes and fitness competitors who want to look and perform their best use it as the main form of exercise. Although you may not be looking to get to these levels, the premise is the same.
These are what separates my EXCLUSIVE gym and T40FIT Rapid Fat Loss System from all the others – the group classes, bootcamps, and new fad chain gyms. This is also why you can get away training only twice per week with superior results.
"The Lost Art"
Quality free weight training with proper programming is slowly becoming somewhat of a "lost art." Although it’s the most effective form of exercise, it’s more difficult logistically to do and more difficult to teach.
The problem with most of the "new fad" chain gyms is that they are trying to squeeze as many people as possible into a class to maximize revenue, all at the expense of what is best for you, the client.
When you have lots of people in a class… a few instructors… and limited equipment, you are not getting the best deal. The owner of the gym is!
I know this, trainers know this, and, most important, now you know this.
What You Should Know…
Helping AND teaching people how to lose weight and exercise properly is something I have been doing for a very long time. I know what I am doing, and I can help you.
Being able to help you lose weight and get healthier is extremely satisfying for me and is one thing I’ll never get sick of! I feel both honoured and privileged to be able to help you with some of the most important things in your life. …your health… how you feel about yourself… your weight… and how you look.
For those people with lots of weight to lose, or with multiple health problems, losing weight and getting healthier could be a life or death situation.
My goal is not only to teach you how to lose weight and get healthier, but to become your most trusted advisor when it comes to weight-loss, health and fitness…for life.
I have clients who contact me many years after we have finished training to ask me questions…which I gladly do. I am happy that they are still living an active, healthy lifestyle, and they consider me someone who can help them out with good guidance.
I want you to understand that I am here to serve you and will always do what is in YOUR best interest. Sometimes, I turn clients away if I feel that someone else is better suited for them.
This letter isn't about me or my program, it is about YOU and how I can get you from wherever you are now to where you want to be.
In an instant you can leverage the tens of thousands of hours I have spent in the gym, all the university courses, all the certifications, all the late nights and long days, all the internships, and everything else that I have done in weight-loss and fitness in the last 20 years. That is extremely powerful.
I am proud to say that I train some of Winnipeg's most prominent, successful, and well known people -- CEOs, lawyers, and even medical doctors. It's really humbling that people in such positions have come to me for my help, guidance, and knowledge in getting them back in shape, and back to feeling great about themselves! In fact, chances are you probably currently know someone who is working with me at this very moment.
What You'll Experience Working With Me And My Proprietary 2 Day A Week T40FIT Rapid Fat Loss System…
- Experience rapid weight loss...Finally ending the years of frustration and confusion! You'll torch off unsightly body fat faster than you ever dreamed possible…… even if you have tried every program under the sun OR have the worst metabolism ever.!
- Gain healthy, new muscle all over your entire body with highly targeted weight training only programs…and achieve the sleek, lean, toned look you've always dreamed of (with head-turning curves in all the right spots!) As an exciting benefit, you'll defeat age-related muscle loss, put your metabolism in 5th gear, and keep doing the things you love.
- Lose the "critical" 10% of your body weight. Losing 10% of your bodyweight is proven to drastically reduce your chances of deadly heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and various cancers!...the best part is this can be achieved in a very short period of time!
- Crank up your metabolism into overdrive with tactical, highly effective weight training only workouts. You'll blow through each session with exciting, easy-to-do exercises leaving you refreshed, ready to take on the day, and keep you craving for more.
- No need to give up your life or make compromises to get your dream body!...you are busy with a million other important things to do...2 days a week for 45 minutes is all it takes! Also this program allows you to actually have a social life with junk food and alcohol allowed!(In moderation of course!)
- The simplest and easiest program you will ever follow! You’ll learn the program in no time flat!...no meal timing, no packing snacks and meals, no eating ten times a day...who wants or has the time for that?!
- Rehabilitate old injuries, fix posture, and stop osteoporosis dead in its tracks! A properly designed weight training program strengthens stabilizers, corrects strength imbalances, and increases bone density!...your body will never hold you back from what you want to do...ever again!
- Discover the methods used by professional athletes and movie stars. Tap into your body's unique fat burning code…transforming your body overnight…these "insider tactics" (that I paid a small fortune to learn) will squeeze every last ounce of fat from even the most problem of areas.
- Have the advantage of using everything I have learned with my 20 years (and 30,000 sessions) experience specializing in weight loss. You'll go from rank beginner to fitness pro in no time flat…even if you have never exercised a day in your life!
- Learn how to get the highest "return on investment for your valuable time spent with custom made diet and exercise programs! "Cookie cutter" programs only work for 30% of the population…you need a program with more precision… what you really need is a program tailored for YOU and YOUR needs and that is exactly what you are going to get.
- Gain control of your hunger and get blessed relief from overwhelming food cravings. A special "real food" diet is a major part of my system...you'll never go hungry again!
- Feel comfortable working with someone who understands the struggles of being overweight and has struggled themselves. I know what it's like and understand the psychological battle you face daily. Yes it is a battle and yes it can be won!
- Bust through the false myth personal trainers are only for the wealthy. The reality is that personal trainers, like myself are thrilled to work with hard-working, everyday folk just like you…because you've finally decided to take control of your life and get the body you've always dreamed of!
- Be focused, accountable, with my custom app for your smartphone. Workouts, daily weigh- ins, diet tracking, progress photos, and also so I can check in and course correct if needed...it’s like me looking over your shoulder and "watching you like a hawk" to help keep you on track! Some of the top people in their respective fields have accountability coaches and for good reason…they drastically increase adherence.
- 24/7 support! I am only a a text away for any questions that you may have so that you never have to worry about if you are following the program correctly!
Now Sit Back And Imagine What Your Life Will Be Like Once You Start Working With Me...
- Buy stylish clothes that look great on you (and actually what you want to wear) It’s OK to want to show off your body and avoid the “fat stores.” You’ll exude class, authority, power and be given respect!
- Have more joy, confidence, and motivation in your life. See your new focus on the “positive” spread to your relationships, family, and career!
- Discover new-found energy, well-being, longevity, and endurance. Find new reservoirs of happiness, inspiration, and contentment! (And I won’t even mention “sex.”)
- Enhance and re-enforce your immune system responses! You now have a personal “fire wall” against the common cold, flu, viruses, and a host of other infections.
- Enjoy better sleep without the lingering effects of drugs or the consequences of sleep deprivation. Mental performance decreases sharply with lack of sleep...we definitely cannot have that for a heavy hitter like yourself!
- Look and feel younger!...Aggressively combat and REVERSE age related muscle wasting which happens after 30. It's an outright myth that you can't have a banging body as you age. Most people begin to look and feel old from losing muscle mass and gaining fat!
- Wake up in the morning with a spring in your step ready to take on the day. Enjoy endless energy from morning till night. Think about how much more productive… and how much more you can accomplish when you're not tired all the time?
- Smile from ear-to-ear every day with your increased self confidence from losing weight. (Most people are not even the same person that they once were...and in a good way!)
- Become a genuine inspiration for those around you. Warm regard and daily compliments will be “the norm”…and everyone will be asking you what your "secret" is. (I hope you will tell them that it’s me, Blaine Podaima!)
- Live your life to the fullest! People shy away from doing things if they are not happy with the way they look and feel. They’ll avoid events, parties, holidays, or simple things like going to the beach. I have clients tell me they are so happy to be able to travel more or do everyday activities – jog, bowl, garden, and play with the kids.
Don't Just Take My Word For It...

The Real Problem
Chances are this isn't your first rodeo when it comes to losing weight and getting fit and healthier. Don't worry, it's more common than you think. By the time people are over 40 they have tried numerous programs and have probably yo-yo'd up and down many times!
Chances are you followed some complicated program that took too much time and effort. Not only was the program next to impossible to stick to but even worse you DREADED going to the gym and couldn't wait to get out of there! To top it off you ended up frustrated and depressed from lack of results or even worse no results!
Chances are if you got rapid weight loss results with an easy-to-learn fat-burning system that only took up 2 days a week AND was simple and easy to follow you more than likely wouldn't even be here on this site.
You would be lean, fit, and healthy and out there living and loving life!
The Big Lie
It’s important for you to understand, that healthy, risk free, weight-loss has nothing to do with any fancy exercise machines, magic pills, or fad diets. (Don't worry you'll know if anything like this is ever invented as there will not be any overweight people walking around anymore. Simple as that.)
The multi-billion dollar weight-loss industry spends a lot of money to have you believe in their new programs, their new potions, and their new pills.
They want you to buy these "magical" weight-loss promises, so they make money. Shocking? Not really, when one realizes that people trying to lose weight this way usually gain some or all of it back. They become prospects for the next new thing.
They have been irresponsible and have used underhanded tricks to get you to believe in what they say as the truth.
The only thing this has led to is you being fed up, frustrated and disappointed...yet again!
I Would NOT Sit On This Opportunity Too Long...
Seriously, if you need my help then I urge you to act now.
Well there is a few reasons actually.
You are here right here right now and if you don't take action now you will more than likely keep putting this off. Also why would you want to put off something that will 10X your life?
My Story
I grew up on a small farm 100 miles north of Winnipeg. Yes, I grew up driving tractors, bailing hay, and feeding cows! Just like any other Canadian farm kid my age, I did the usual "fun" stuff…hunting, fishing, sports-especially hockey, and (of course) always helping on the family farm.
And one other important thing…I was fat and miserable. I also had very bad acne to boot…and that's a miserable experience for any kid to go through!
For as long as I could remember, I always had an issue with food and my love for it, which at times seemed obsessive, overwhelming, and uncontrollable.
I still remember all the junk food, chips, chocolate, and Pic A Pop (I'm really dating myself with this one ain't I) that I had a craving for. To make things even harder, I'm Ukrainian and there was never any shortage of mouth-watering, home-cooked meals.
I used to eat, eat, and eat some more…and even though I was very active, I was still very overweight and awkward.
As everyone knows, it can be quite rough for a kid to grow up if you are overweight. The name calling, the teasing, the laughing at, and all that other humiliating crap that goes along with it.
You got it…kids can be very, very cruel.
Enough Was Enough
One morning when I was 12 I woke up and I said to myself, "enough is enough!"
I didn't want to look this way anymore,
I didn't want to feel this way anymore,
I didn't want to be treated like this anymore,
I hated myself and knew that this is not how I wanted to live the rest of my life!
I Decided At That Very Moment To Make A Change That Would Affect My Life Forever…
I said to myself: "I'll never feel this way again, and I'll solve this stupid weight loss problem, or die trying!"
Keep in mind this was before the internet, so I bought stacks of health and fitness magazines to go by. From this point on I became obsessed with fitness, working out, and dieting. I took a serous leap into re-building my body. I crash dieted, pumped iron, and ran like crazy.
And guess what?
I Lost All Of The Weight…Over 50 Pounds!
I had "taken charge" of my life and the feeling was unbelievable! The vicious name calling and relentless teasing stopped… and were replaced with warm, enthusiastic compliments. People who once made harsh fun of me wanted to be my friend.
Now my life seemed extraordinary and full of potential!
Even though I was no different as a person… the way people treated me was like night and day.
I looked and felt terrific!… The once shy kid disappeared.
I was now walking with my head held high and brimming with new-found confidence!
It was an amazing, life-changing experience… and I loved every minute of it!
A wide field of shining possibilities opened up in my life. I NOW had a vision how I could live life and enjoy every moment.
I was living "in the now" and it felt wonderful…
I Decided I Wanted To Help People With Their Weight Loss…And Give Them The Gift Of Health And Confidence!
So I made up my mind I was going to be a personal fitness trainer and fat-loss expert!
And not "just" a personal trainer…but also a guide, trusted advisor, and a leader in weight loss and body shaping.
It became my passion and obsession…and it still is to this very day. Over 30 years later!
But, as with a lot of things in life…my priorities shifted and I lost focus on my own well-being.
To my own shock and dismay, I ended up gaining the weight back. And then some…
What a "bad joke!" My own personal genetics had become my worst enemy.
I was now trapped in a "vicious cycle" of weight loss and gain. I would continue to Yo-Yo with my weight for many years to come…
When it comes right down to it…the haunting thing I kept noticing is the difference in the way people treated me.
BOTH the good…and the bad!
It's a real fact of life. People will judge you within the first few seconds of looking at you. (And yes, there are many real-world scientific studies to back this up.)
Here's the truth, losing weight is the number one thing YOU can do to look and feel better.
When you lose weight everything in your life will improve…pretty simple concept, isn't it?
My Personal Journey
My journey to become a personal trainer took me to the University of Winnipeg where I graduated with a major in kinesiology.
I went on to further my education by acquiring my Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) throughout the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). This certification is recognized as "the gold standard worldwide" for strength and conditioning coaches.
And last but not least I travelled all across North America, spending hundreds of hours learning directly from the best in the business.
And the rest like they say is, history!

How Does The System Work?
- Massive calorie deficit. To lose weight you must follow the law of thermodynamics. Eat more calories than you burn you gain weight, eat less than you burn then you lose weight. The trick is to create the biggest deficit possible while still providing adequate nutrition for health and muscle growth…and to do it all without starving you. This will result in the fastest weight loss possible.
- Shift your body into ketosis. By following a ketogenic diet we switch your body from burning carbohydrates (sugars) as its main fuel source to fats. This shift forces your body to burn stored bodyfat 24/7 for most of your energy needs. You'll be burning fat no matter what you are doing…even while you sleep! As an added bonus ketones are known for destroying hunger and cravings. This 1-2 punch is highly effective for stripping weight off quick and easy.
- Exercise program designed to maximize weight loss hormone production. Certain hormones are very powerful at melting off body fat while at the same time building muscle, which is better known as "toning." These hormones are important if you want that lean, toned, healthy look. This is why a lot of professional athletes get caught taking the synthetic kind which is illegal. These hormones are also known to have anti-aging properties and are used in clinics for their rejuvenating effects on skin, hair, bones and other organs of the body. Maximizing weight loss hormone output is not only essential for looking great but is important for overall health, vitality, and wellness.
- Exercise program designed to maximize training density. In other words do the most amount of work per unit of time. This stimulates the most amount of muscle mass possible during your workouts, which is the reason you can get the same results in training 2x/week instead of 4. This also results in a dramatic increase in excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) which raises your metabolism for 24 hours following exercise. This is often referred to as the "afterburn."
- Custom app for workout programs, teaching, results tracking, diet reporting, and messaging! Easy to use custom app to learn and follow the program but also to where you will post your results and I will look over and course correct along the way! This not only ensures that you are following the program correctly, but also helps keep you honest and accountable!
- Special Sauce - 20,000 hours of training+ hundreds of clients + thousands of pounds lost+$50,000 education= T40FIT.
What You Really Need Is Someone Who Can Walk The Walk And Talk The Talk And Who Has Done It With Hundreds Of People....
More Success Stories...Maybe You'll Be Next!
Results May Vary
***Results may vary***
"I wanted to lose weight for my 65th birthday! I started Blaine's program and have lost 36 pounds…I look and feel better now than I have in years! His program is simple, straight forward, and most importantly gets results…if I can do it so can you!
Thanks Blaine!"
- Mariette
***Results may vary***
"I have lost 25 lbs. in a few short months and finally got the body I have always wanted…and no more pain!"
- Nelli
***Results may vary***
Chris lost over 70 pounds in 11 months while gaining considerable muscle mass, strength, and showed a significant improvement in conditioning!
***Results may vary***
"I'd been trying to lose weight my whole adult life with no results. With Blaine and Rocky I lost 60 lbs. in 6 months could still go for Thursday wings, pizza, and beer with the hockey team! My only regret is I didn't meet him 25 years ago!"
- Gavin
***Results may vary***
Ashley lost 40 pounds of fat in 16 weeks while gaining considerable muscle mass, strength, and showed a significant improvement in conditioning!
***Results may vary***
"I am so glad I called Blaine, it changed my life! I lost 50 lbs. in 6 months and after 1 year in the program I am still maintaining that! It was very scary calling Blaine and going to the gym for the first time, but I was ready to get healthy and fit!"
- C
***Results may vary***
"I lost 70 pounds in 7 months and don't recognize or feel like the person I once was! I feel fantastic and totally love the weight training only workouts! I highly recommend Blaine's weight loss program!"
***Results may vary***
"Training with Blaine has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! In 12 weeks I lost 27.5 pounds and 14.75 inches and look and feel better than I have in years!"
***Results may vary***
"I have lost almost 50 lbs. and my wife has lost about 40 lbs. in a period of 5 months! We looked forward to the training sessions and how they made us look and feel!"
***Results may vary***
"I have been working with Blaine for the past 8 months. He has helped me transform my body back to the way it was when I played university sports! I have lost 45 lbs on the scale and am down to a size 10!"
***Results may vary***
"I trained for 8 months with Blaine and it totally changed my life! I lost 64 pounds and continue to lose! Don't hesitate for a second to call Blaine if you have weight to lose…he definitely knows his stuff!"
- Michelle
***Results may vary***
"I am 48 years old and wanted to get into shape for my wedding! I have lost 40 pounds in 3.5 months and have never felt this good!"
- Tammy
***Results may vary***
"I lost close to 40 pounds in 4 months and my body is strong and I look great! All my fat clothes are now gone!"
- Susanna
***Results may vary***
"Training with Blaine is one of the best decisions I have ever made! I lost 40 pounds in 3.5 months and feel amazing! If you need help losing weight, then call Blaine…you will not be disappointed!"
- Leonard
***Results may vary***
"The pictures speak for themselves! I ended up losing 14 pounds and many more inches in 3 months! I feel great and recommend Blaine's simple, straightforward program to anyone looking to lose weight and get healthier!"
- Tamara
***Results may vary***
"The joy and excitement I feel after one year of working with Blaine is amazing!" I have lost 30 lbs. of fat while gaining muscle and strength and I feel great!"
- Joan
***Results may vary***
"I have lost 60 lbs. and at 67 years old there is no one in my social network remotely close to my condition! There is no doubt my relationship with Blaine has been a turning point in my life"
- Ted
***Results may vary***
I am extremely happy with the results and have lost 60 pounds in 5 months! I like the weight training only workouts and the diet was pretty easy for the most part. I highly recommend Blaine's Program!
- Blair
***Results may vary***
I lost 30 pounds in 3 months and look and feel like I did in my competitive rowing days! This simple program works FAST!
- Gerry
The Straight Goods
Just so we are clear: I've helped hundreds of people shed thousands of pounds in record times with my simple, yet extremely effective system that I have learned hands on from the top strength and conditioning coach in the world. This is the "go to" guy that professional athletes and movie stars go to when they need to get into tip top shape overnight. I've spent a small fortune to learn his methods…which will take your weight loss to a whole new level.
Industry Leading 16 Week Conditional Money Back Guarantee**
That's right, I'll put my money where my mouth is and like they say proof is in the pudding.
If at the end of the 16 weeks you have FOLLOWED THE PROGRAM AS DIRECTED and do not think that this is the most simple, easy, and effective online fitness and weight loss system you have ever tried then I will refund every single penny.
No one in the industry is giving a guarantee like this.
That is how confident I am in my system and ability to deliver it to you.
You literally have nothing to lose (except fat) and everything to gain.
The Five Qualifications You Must Meet
- You must make sure this is something you really want to do. You have to be "all in" so to speak. This means giving an honest effort, the kind of effort needed for life changing results. This means showing up for workouts and following the diet as directed. You'll probably have to make some sacrifices. The thing is with weight loss you can't have everything, at some point you have to pay the piper. I'll do everything in my power to help you reach your goals. Remember we succeed or fail together.
- You must be willing to follow the program as directed. This program flat out works and it works well, given you follow it correctly. Once you start making changes your results will be compromised, which neither of us wants.
- You must have realistic expectations. If you believe you can take some magic pills and lose 50 pounds or that you can lose 100 pounds in a couple of months then my service isn't for you. Also, if you suffer from "shiny object syndrome" and jump from diet to diet without giving them a chance work then we will not be a good fit either.
- You must complete the 16 weeks. There is a lot I have to teach you and I have to stand behind my results…you are my walking advertisements.
- You must keep what you learn confidential. You must agree never to resell, publish, or distribute the information you learn in any way, shape, or form. You'll be learning copyrighted proprietary trade secrets that are for your own use and benefit but not for resale or redistribution in any way.
This must be able something that you can comfortably afford. I know I said 5 qualifications but this is something I had to add. If you cannot comfortably afford this package without it affecting your life in negative way then this package isn't for you. Check out some of my lower priced offers that are very good as well, and I have had tremendous success with them!
Introducing My Proprietary T40FIT Platinum 16 Week Online Program! $2997

What You Get...
- My full T40FIT Rapid Fat Loss System. Learn my easy to follow and understand system full of videos, PDF's and slides. You will become a fitness and weight loss expert in no time! The more you know about any given subject the more likely you are to succeed!
- Onboarding phone consultation. Immediately after your purchase you will be directed to an application form and a booking page to book a phone call. I will come up with a custom diet and workout plan designed especially for you based on our call and application. You will have clarity and direction after that call and will be well on your way to a new you!
- Custom workout plan. Based on our phone call and your own personal situation with fitness levels, limitations, equipment, etc. I will come up with a plan that will give you the best bang for your buck. You will get a new program every 4 weeks for a total of 4 programs in the 16 weeks. If you need programs changed along the way I am only a message away!
- Custom diet. I will figure out and teach you exactly how to eat for rapid body transformation results! The best part is that it's super easy to understand and even easier to implement! Clients are shocked at the simplicity of it all! (I could explain it to you in 15 seconds.)
- Results tracking. Tracking results is critical for accountability, measuring progress, and course correction if need be! We track everything to make sure that you are getting the most out of your program! Photos, weight, measurements, diet, energy levels, sleep...we leave nothing to chance!
- Habit tracking. We track the crucial habits that must be ingrained in your daily living to reach maximum success. The right daily habits done consistently day in and day out lead to weight loss momentum! Once you reach weight loss momentum, the pounds will fly off effortlessly! (We only track the important habits, not a lot of fluff as 20% of the habits provide 80% of the results!)
- Weekly check-ins for course correction and accountability! I will go over every aspect of your program to ensure that you are progressing as you should be and that you are following the program correctly! I will provide critical feedback and make course corrections along the way if I need to!
- Ongoing education and motivational digital deliverables. You will learn more in 16 weeks about fitness, health, and weight loss than most other trainers! I firmly believe in teaching the "hows" and "whys" for clarity and results!
- Support with in-app messaging! Always know that I am only a text message away from any questions you may have! No need to stress that you are not following the program correctly!
- Private FB Group. Get added education, motivation, support, and accountability in my private FB group! Even if you don't have an active account, you can make one up, and if you don't want that, then no problem. A lot of my clients don't have FB, and it is not a concern, this one is up to you!
- Weekly small group 1-hour Zoom calls! We can go over anything you want in real-time! Everything from diet to motivation, to exercise technique, we can cover it all! These are done every Thursday at 1pm CST.
- Smartphone app. Everything is delivered to you on an extremely powerful smartphone app! Take your workouts wherever you go, watch videos and learn, record your results and habits...everything is with you wherever you are!
Here's The Deal...
Here's the deal: I've been helping people like you rapidly transform their lives for over 25 years. I have the education, experience, and results and would love to take you on your very own life changing journey…2x/week for 45 minutes is all it takes!
The cost is $2997 for 16 weeks of life changing transformation where I hold your hand every step of the way!
What to do now: Hit the "BUY NOW" button and fill out the order form. You will be directed to an application and a booking page to book a time for a phone call. Just do it now, while you are thinking about it.
Blaine Podaima, CSCS
Owner Podaima Performance

***Results may vary***
At This Point You Have 3 Choices...
- Do nothing and spin your wheels and procrastinating. Maybe another year or 2 will go by, you will get older, probably gain more weight, and you'll still be "thinking about it" or "waiting for the perfect time."
- Keep bouncing around the internet and social media for the perfect program...trying to figure out who is the right person and "fit" to get you from wherever you are now to where you want to be.
- Go with the smart, logical choice and sign up for an application and phone call right here, right now. It will only take a few minutes...and could very well be one of the best decisions you have ever made.
Buy Now!
**Conditional money back guarantee. Clients must follow the program as directed, completed all workouts, entered in all tracking accordingly, and have showed up to all calls.**
***Clients only get app and materials for length of program***
Frequently Asked Questions
Most of my clients train 2x/week for 45 minutes and have excellent results.
No you don't. You can do this program with a decent home gym.
I would have at least a pair of dumbells that goes up from 5-25lbs. A workout bench and step would be nice as well if you have. Yes there are programs with just bands and we could do it but it is not optimal. I would rather you make a small investment in some equipment(and you should because you should keep working out forever) or join a small gym. When it comes to your health and how you feel it doesn't pay to cut corners.
This differs for everyone and is highly dependent on how well you diet and how hard you workout. I do know that my programs can be highly effective for rapid weight loss when done properly.
Absolutely! Most of our clients have never stepped foot in a gym before.
I do too. No you do not have to do it to lose weight.
No, not if you don’t want it to.
Yes you do if you want to lose weight.
You were doing it all wrong. There is way too much bad information out there.
No you will not be hungry. I promise!
You will handle this just fine. It almost killed you because you never progressed properly. In my 20 years of training I have yet to have a client to quit because it was too hard. This is actually one of my skills that I am most proud about.
Yes! I want them just as bad as you. You are my walking advertisements!
No. This is another myth. The studies out there actually suggest the opposite. This means the faster you take the weight off the more likely you are to succeed and keep it off!
Look at my education, experience and results. You can’t argue with those! Some very smart and successful people have given me great testimonials and reviews. I have been doing this for 20 years and have learned hands on from the top trainers in the world. These guys charge over $600/hour for their consulting services.
Me and my business have built up a reputation that I have worked very hard for, and I am very proud of it! I will guard with my life! This means I will do everything in my power and go the extra mile to make sure you get the results that you are looking for! We succeed or fail together!
$2997/16 Weeks.
Actually there is. We don’t work with athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness competitors. There are other people in the city that are more knowledgeable, have more experience, and have better equipment for working with these people. My specialty is helping people busy professionals over 40 lose weight and get healthier. I understand that these people have busy lives so my programs are developed to get maximum results with the least amount of time and effort. As they say, “he who is an expert at everything is an expert at nothing!”
Credit Card.
Conditional money back guarantee. Clients must follow the program as directed, completed all workouts, entered in all tracking accordingly, and have showed up to all calls.
Hit The "Buy Now" Button and fill in the form!